J. Clarke Richardson Collegiate is full to the brim with extraordinary students with many different passions. The staff at Eye on the Storm has decided that these students deserve to be recognized for their hard work and talent. Explore the lives of ten exceptional students that are profiled here as part of our series: Trending Ten. Get ready to be inspired!
Bhravi Prajapati is one of the most civically involved students at J. Clarke Richardson. She is a grade 11 student passionate about many aspects of our school, and as such, has become a part of some of Richardson’s most successful clubs. On top of her club activities, she is also an exceptional role model for the younger students and works hard to fulfill her goals, both in and out of school.
– The Editor
Tell us about yourself and what you do and why you chose to be in so many different clubs throughout the school?
I’m Bhravi, I’m in grade 11. Right now, I’m part of Girls Who Code, DECA, COR, Robotics, & Ultimate frisbee. I chose to join all of these because in grade 9 it was hard finding new friends. Because it’s a completely new school, you have so many new people to see and meet and clubs bring together people who have the same interests. So I started grade nine with DECA and COR, and after that, I got more into coding and then robotics as well and then I tried out for more sports teams. So here I am with all of these different clubs.
Outside of school I also do Gujarati teaching. So at my local temple, I teach small girls from age 7 to 9, at that every Saturday. I’m also a director of graphic design for a financial youth organization, so I help out with financial literacy posts and other newsletters that go out: booklets, promotional materials, etc.
Where do you see yourself in three years?
I see myself at University studying computer science, either at Waterloo or the University of Toronto.
I also want to increase my nail art business on the side. Hopefully, I can make it (nail art) something like a content creator thing, helping out other brands with creating swatches and other promotional material.
What advice do you have for students that want to make a change?
“Go for it!”
I feel like a lot of things that hinder people from going out and doing stuff are just their hesitancy and their fear of failure when meeting other people. So really just go for it, you miss 100% of the shots you don’t take.
What keeps you motivated to follow your passions?
This is probably not a good thing to go off of, but I’m a perfectionist. I don’t commit to something and then not give it my 100%. So if I do say I’ll do something, I’ll give it my 100%. So I think what keeps me going is my promise to myself that I’m not going to let myself down and others down.
How do you feel about the fact that you are likely going to be taking over many clubs next year?
Excited, umm, scared, nervous, but also really, really happy and just filled with joy right now. We’ll see how it goes.
Editor: And you’re running COR already?
I’m co-leading COR alongside the exec team which I’m a part of. I’m on the exec team for DECA as well, and then I’m co-leading Girls Who Code with another friend.
What quote do you live by?
“Fake it till you make it.”
It’s something I learned in DECA in grade nine. It was essentially for case studies, even when you don’t know what’s going on, say random stuff, sound like you have the confidence and like you know what you’re saying, and then eventually, it will go out well in the end. I feel like I’ve applied that to so many different aspects of my life.
“Fake the confidence, and if people see you’re confident and they believe in it, then it will be fine.”
What is a challenge that you have had to overcome?
“Time management.”
Time management’s a huge thing and I feel like I’m still getting over it. I’m not the best at it (time management). It’s hard, because I procrastinate… a lot, so everything gets done last thing mostly, unless it’s a huge event and we’re really trying to plan months in advance.
Yeah, time management’s a huge thing. I have to make sure all the tasks are done at the time they need to be done before the actual day. I feel like that’s something that a lot of high school students face.
What is one achievement you’re most proud of?
One achievement that I’m really proud of is that I get to explore a lot of my interests in one place. Within all the clubs that I lead I have different aspects such as Girls Who Code for computer science, my cultural aspect which I love and then DECA is how I get to interact with business vocabulary & the business world.
With all of that combined, it really brings together an identity filled with different things and I feel that’s what I’m really proud of. I can talk about different things and can participate in so many different activities.
Is there anything else that you would like to share?
“Don’t burn yourself out.”
I feel like that happens to me quite a bit with the amount of stuff I have going on. But just take a break once and a while, munch on junk food if needed and get a sugar rush. That’s what I do personally to get back on track.
If you are facing burnout, check in with yourself and see what you need to get better, and the next time you see signs of it happening, prevent it. Stop yourself before you exert your body or your mental health.
Silly question: What do you think is the meaning of life?
“Being kind to other people.”
That’s what I think. That’s probably not the right answer or not what many people would say, but, for me personally, it’s being kind and helping out others. At the end of the day, you’re going to leave with nothing, you came with nothing & you’re going to leave with nothing. When you’re gone, the legacy you’re going to leave behind is not going to be how rich you were or what you did or how much money you had or your physical appearance, it’s going to be more about how you treat other people, and that’s what people are going to remember.
So really just be kind, compassionate, and helpful.
Quick shout out to Girls Who Code, Cultures of Richardson (COR), & DECA for being just some of the amazing clubs here at J. Clarke Richardson Collegiate!
– The Editor