1. Join a club or sport that interests you.
Joining a club can be a great way to get involved in your school community. It’s an easy way to make friends with the same interest as you or discover a passion for something you never knew you had. It can also be an excellent way to develop leadership skills and boost your resume. Grade 10 student, Jennifer Kumar said “One thing I would have done differently in grade 9 would have been to join a club.” There are numerous extracurricular activities at Richardson. Check out this huge list of options!
2. Be prepared. Be consistent.
Your transition from grade eight to grade nine is a huge step academically. It’s important to know what’s coming ahead and to be ready. The workload is greater and teachers expect you to take responsibility in all your courses. By revising school lessons each night, it can help you be successful and shorten studying time.
3. Be yourself.
Going from a small elementary school to a giant secondary school can be overwhelming. However, there are many more people with the same interests as you. Be yourself and you will easily make new friends. Ms. Gray, the current grade 9 counselor, key advice for grade nines entering high school is to “be yourself.” Keeping this in mind, you’re bound to be happier.
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4. Use the many resources.
The school offers a variety of ways for students to be successful. At Richardson we have Student Success, Academic Resource, after school home work help in rm 3108 and more. The library is a great place to do trustworthy research, with the many databases the school purchases.
5. Counselors are your friends.
When you get the chance you need to introduce yourself to your Guidance Counselor. They will support you from the beginning to the end of high school. It’s important for your counselor to get a sense of who you are and your desires. This will allow them to better assist you. They are there for academic help and for personal issues. Try to gain a close relationship with your counselor.
6. Don’t ignore your talents.
This can tie in with joining a sports team or club, but if you are talented in a certain area, don’t be afraid to show it off. The school has a variety of courses in the arts such as musical theatre and dance. Students in the arts are extremely friendly, they grow and become a family. Although, if you are a great basketball player, join the team!
7. Volunteer.
In order to graduate you must have 40 hours of community hours done. The school offers many events to volunteer including Parent Teacher Interviews and the art gallery. Getting your hours completed in grade 9 is a huge accomplishment and can relieve stress, rather than leaving it until your later high school years.
8. Support the school.
Have some fun and participate in school events! Semi formals, pep-rally’s, music marathons and fun fairs are just a few of the events at Richardson. Show some great school spirit and support the school to be an active school member.
9. Have a good relationship with your teachers.
Be respectful to your teachers and come to class with a positive attitude. Ask questions when you don’t understand and remember many teachers are available before and after school for help. By showing your teachers you care, they will have your best interests at heart and support you. Being nice to your teachers isn’t difficult, after all they are the ones marking you.