J. Clarke Richardson Collegiate is full to the brim with extraordinary students with many different passions. The staff at Eye on the Storm has decided that these students deserve to be recognized for their hard work and talent. Explore the lives of these exceptional students who are profiled here as part of our new series: The Trending Ten. Get ready to be inspired!
-The Editors
Ena Kohli is one of J. Clarke Richardson’s most inspiring grade twelve students who strives to accomplish every goal set for her- no matter what obstacles appear. With grade averages in the high ’90s, Ena wants to prove to everyone that you can accomplish what you work for.
What keeps you motivated to invest your time and energy into your studies?
Well, at this point I’m a grade twelve student and the main thing for me is University. In University I want to make it into the best program that I can, but also into a program that I’ll be interested in. But as for motivation, I would have to say that my peers play a big role in that because everyone is always working and studying. They just want to try and get things done. It’s simply the drive of hard work. Since the beginning of grade nine, I’ve always had the pull to push myself and work to the best of my ability in all my courses.
What advice do you have for students who are struggling with their workload?
When it comes to struggling with your workload, I would definitely say manage your time. What happens is people go home and they watch TV and then they start studying. But the thing about that is they tend to get really tired, so they just fall asleep. Managing your time will help you a lot. If you have a test coming up next week, start preparing your study notes. Starting in advance will lesson your stress too. Personally, I study the least the night before a test, because I’ve already been studying for a week or two.
What are your plans moving on from high school?
I’m going to the University of Waterloo for graphic designs. That’s the program I have been wanting to get into since elementary school. I’m really excited – for the program, the university and to get to know people, make new friends. I just want to excel in life, I want to be successful. But not only academically: I want to make friends and get to know the World around me.
How do you see yourself ten years from now?
That’s a difficult question, but I would say that I see myself with the same work ethic I have now. I would be working, and I think I would have good friends, but I would also still be motivated like I am today.
If you were to be stranded on an island, what is one object you would want with you?
That’s a hard one. I am guessing it would have to be something personal, but I would obviously take something that would get me out of there. I think I would bring my phone so that I can call someone.
What is your advice for students moving to the next grade or striving for the Honour Role?
When it comes to striving for Honour Role, it’s like I said before: you need the work ethic and to be able to manage your time. Time management is the most important thing but also ask your teachers for help. There are always going to be people who are afraid that they don’t understand something and think that they will be made fun of, but I would say definitely ask you teachers for help. Raise your hand, go for extra help, and get involved.