A Bucket List for Winter Break!

With the winter here and the holidays quickly approaching, we will soon find ourselves with a long-awaited break. There are some who will find themselves with a full outlined schedule to keep them busy this winter break. On the other hand, there are those who will find themselves with a lot of free time. Written below is a list made to keep you busy through your holiday season.

  • Binge-watch all your favourite holiday related movies and shows.
  • Cook something! With the holidays quickly approaching, we will be presented with lots of traditional foods from different regions. Take this as your opportunity to broaden your taste to an international scale.
  • Play in the snow. It’s not so often that we get to live in the snowy winter land of the cold months. Take advantage of it! This is the perfect excuse for you to go out and build a snow man or have a snow ball fight with your friends.
  • Read a book. Whether you like classics, fantasy, mystery or anything else really we can all agree that nothing beats a good story. This winter break, try to incorporate some reading into your day.
  • Sledding. Nothing beats the adrenaline rush you get racing down an icy hill at top speed and run backing up the hill to do it all over again. 
  • As it is a break, it is important to realize that you don’t need to have a jam packed schedule to have a worthwhile holiday. Investing time in self-care is also equally important and beneficial. 
  • Take the time this holiday to reach out and connect with your friends and family. It can sometimes be hard to spend a lot of time with your close ones with school, extracurriculars and other responsibilities. With some of this on hold, take advantage of your time and spend it with those important to you.
  • Writing New Year’s Resolutions is a great way to set positive, realistic goals for the future. This will help keep you grounded for the new year and be a great way for you to reflect how far you have come as the years progress.
  • Another classic winter activity is skating. Try going to a skating rink this winter to perfect those skills. You may not be the best at it first, but eventually you will get the hang of it!
  • Ginger bread is a classic holiday dessert filled with a variety of aromatic spices. Ginger bread houses are a great way to incorporate your creativity into a worthwhile dessert. You can make it a competition or just have some fun, it really is up to you.
