How have media streaming companies affected our choices as to whether to watch TV shows or movies? First off, we must explore the difference between the two. TV shows are a series of episodes and if successful and well-liked by the audience, the show could run on television for a long time. TV episodes are filmed and released on the air once a week and unlike movies, the story progressively builds itself up over time. Furthermore, the first couple of episodes introduces the characters one by one and the main conflict for that season. From there, they slowly pick up the pace, throwing in new twists to the storyline that questions the characters’ ability to overcome those situations. Of course, to create excitement for the new problems, the writers need their characters to find interesting and logical ways to overcome the problems they face, comically or sensibly. Movies, on the other hand, often begin the story in a slow and normal pace for a few minutes, but then suddenly escalate with something that could change the characters’ lives forever. The plot of a movie tends to make that jump from a normal-looking scene where there’s people walking around, living life as we know it, to a catastrophic event that could change their lives physically or emotionally.
Now, back to my original question. How have media-streaming companies affected our choices as to whether to watch TV shows or movies? Media-streaming companies such as Netflix, Hulu, Amazon and iTunes all follow the same model by giving viewers the privilege to select, rewind, pause, play, replay and save everything they watch until next time. Not every media streaming network has all of the current TV series and movies which means there is competition. Netflix is at the top of the charts for the following: it’s simple to use, has lots of variety, and saves you money. Rather than pay $30 for one movie, you pay $8 a month to watch whatever you want. Some content you can’t find in stores and all the old shows are taken off the air after they finish. Netflix has released original series such as Hemlock Grove, From Dusk Till Dawn, Orange is the New Black, Marco Polo, The Killing, House of Cards and many more. These shows are only found on Netflix. They maintain the number of memberships by keeping everyone eager to watch the latest TV series on Netflix. Netflix offers one month of free viewing.
Similarly, Amazon always has the newest releases. Amazon is also linked with Amazon’s online shopping and provides benefits to its members by supplying free shipping with Primus. Amazon’s TV and movies selection also has Primus, but instead of free shipping, you get free viewing on whatever you like paying only if it says so. Like Netflix, Amazon offers one month free membership then charges $99 a year. All of these media streaming companies have different selections of their own that would be appealing to their members depending on the individual’s tastes in TV or movie entertainment. Some people like the old classics or cult films( films that have a cult following from fans) that wouldn’t have been found anywhere else while others like documentaries.
Depending on a person’s tastes, media streaming companies provide as many options to a viewer as possible. Netflix is famous for having its very own original series that often become hits. Amazon is famous for its linked partnership of online shopping and delivery with Primus. HuluPlus, another media streaming company, is famous for releasing episodes of a current season after it’s aired and gives the feeling that we’re watching at the same pace as TV shows that run in a regular time slot.
TV shows are easy to watch on Netflix, Amazon and HuluPlus because there’s no commercial breaks and you can finish more than one episode in a day – maybe even finish an entire season or two in twenty four hours (also known as binge watching). Some would prefer watching movies over TV shows because of classic, trilogy, cult and seasonal collections that they’d like to watch as a family or alone. Either way, we have been given an option to view TV or movie entertainment differently thanks to the different kinds of media-streaming companies. We depend on Netflix and other media streaming channels to catch up on shows, avoid TV commercials, and never having to wait for the next episode. As my best friend Vanessa says, “It’s an archive of all your favourites wrapped up in a little bundle.” You don’t have to search for more than five minutes for your favorite TV show or movie because we can just search the name and the title pops up confirming its existence to your very eyes.