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How I Would Book The 2025 Men’s Royal Rumble

As you all know, the Royal Rumble for the year 2025 is quickly approaching, and it is turning out to be one of the most stacked and unpredictable ever. So, I have decided to provide my input on how I would book the Men’s Royal Rumble, adding my creative input and ideas. Hence, without further ado, let’s get this show started!

Rescued By Ruby: The Perfect Rainy Day Film

Movie Review (No Spoilers) Summary  A man chasing his dream of joining the K-9 elite search and rescue unit, he is a state trooper that decides...

JCR’s 2025 musical: BTS and the cast’s journey of fun, friendship & ABBA vibes.

J. Clarke Richardson has had many musicals over the years, ranging from movie recreations to plays inspired by masterpieces. This time, for the year...

Life and Style

Fighting Like a Girl

"A cosmology that admits of only one male god limits women's capacity to envision their full potential as human beings." ―  Layne...

Fall Celebrations Around the World

Fall is a season rich in tradition, culture and celebration. Full of celebrations and holidays, listed below are a few of the many different...

Are Vitamin Gummies Even Good For You?

Gummy vitamins are designed to be a more palatable, sweeter alternative compared to a traditional pill or tablet. Which is precisely why over the...

Mental Health Month

Dreams: The Many Types

“A series of thoughts, images, and sensations occurring in a person's mind during sleep.”Oxford dictionary Though we might not always remember our dreams, everyone is...

How to break a bad habit

Bad habits. We all have them, whether we like to admit it or not. For me, it’s being impatient at times, while for you,...

Depression Amongst Teenagers

Teenagers often throw around the phrase "I am so depressed" carelessly when they are upset over something that recently happened in their life. But...

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